Friday, March 30, 2007
sian. im lik soooo guilty after tt talk can ! haven been working hard. dis term sa1 sia. i think im dying. im so addicted to com !! mayb i will try to use com lesser ? yea.. sian.. b4 e talk started maii father was lik toking to se's father lor. -.- n yt's mum was so.. -.- ask miie wad yt did in sch. i told her tt shes looking out side half e time. LOL. hlping wt spy mah ! lol. den she kena scolded ! LOL ! sad case sia yt... lololol.
anw..maii dad couldnt find e buckle for maii skirt. n i had to use those big ones. eww .. i'll b so NOT used to it lah. haiiyo..
lata hav e briefing on e courses for sec 3.. >.< surely vv boring de lor. n we didnt hv netball trainin too. lol. coz manippl not coming. yeap..
JUZ NOW.. IN SCH... blah1 and blah2 ERR... vv shy. BUT blah2 MORE INITIATIVE LOR ! NOT LIK BLAH1. blah1 so wth lor. ppl oreadi go dere le still dun wan tok. dis person horr.. mayb she too nervous. LOL ! aiyya. dis blah1 nxt time cannot liddat lah. lol. we had napfa test tdae. damn it lor. situp 1 more get 5 pts le ! incline pull up 2 more get 5pts oso ! wth. other all get 5. BUT I NOT HAPPY SIA. its juz a lil bit more. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. hate it man. hav 2.4 nxt time. muz jiayou ! last year got 25points. juz nice oni. sian.. haiix..
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
MAII BLOG CAN VIEW AGAIN !! lol. iz maii internet siao ? LOl. smth's wrong man. i cant go in yesterdae lor. -.- i think i put e extra www in front. -.-
stayed back after sch.. to see e taboo competition n do PROJECTS.
2B !! we got second, but we were leading at first.. coz dey kept skipping..so we lost some points.. after e com.. miie, yt, se went to do d&t n lit.. yea. yt chose some lame place to do lit. at e dnt blk. wth.. i oreadi PISSED OFF le lor.. hav freaking foul mood esp after sch..
anw. some UNFORTUNATE incident happened during recess. maii skirt's buckle broke. -.- not bcoz im fat. COZ MAII MAID BEND TT IT. n i kept bending it back to its original shape. n now it broke. -.- coz of tt, i kept touchin e zip. -.- but it didnt drop. n it wont drop. lol. but i just dun lik maii skirt to b lose n untidy. lata kena scolded lik yt arh. MESSY SKIRT !! lol. i wont wan tt to happen. n tt prefect's maii fren. she wont scold miie. lol.
n im so suay again. sit e same lrt wit xx n woman. -.- go die man xx ! irritate miie. lol. smemore hav spilled milo on e floor sia. sticky lik hell. chgned maii place to avoid it.. n woman told miie tt his shoe was stucked dere ? iz tt milo tt powerful? lol. sian.
tmr hv to do projects.. lit !! haiiyo..
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
i realised tt its not maii com prob tt maii blogs not loading. nor is it e dash's prob in maii url. ITS E SKIN !! smb told miie tt. lol. but now maii bro's using e other com where i saved all maii skins.. yep. so mayb i'l chng it some other time. n so.. wad i blog now. nobody can see except for those more pro ppl whu noes how to view. lol.
CT.. OMG. I WROTE LESS THAN 2 PG FOR E COMPO !! i didnt complete it. OMG can. its e first ever time tt i STONE-d dere for so long. wth. i was thinking whther e content iz correct.. -.- n i didnt study too. -.- i borroweed se's notes. BUT. its a pri sch bk. -.- how can i ever pass tt compo man ! im gona go crazy.
netball. TIMES FLEW SO FAST MAN !! its lik.. suddenly.. 6pm le ?!? LOl. IF HAV COACH.. den we will b lik do a single drill for dunoe how mani mins n we r still not finished wit it. yea. ran 2.4km again.. VENUS !! i ran wit her. was more of walking rather than running. lol. timing was 17 + ? if its napfa test sure fail.. yea. sec1s played court game. i was in too. WITH TT SEC ONE JUNIOR. omg sia. y m i owaes wit her. either her or another short one. im not insulting dem. lol. played another match after some ppl went home.. yea.. was quite ok. i made mistaked lik STEPPING ! TWO TIMES. -.- i cant balance tts why. -.- anw. I SPRAINED BOTH MAII 4TH FINGERS OF EACH HAND. -.- one was injured when i played bball with e rebellions. one was when ginny tried to throw e ball to miie but it somehow when e wrong way... yea.. oh. n we r goin to se's hse nxt fri !! to plae bball coz its her bdae ! hehe. its not bbal actually.. i dun even noe e rules. n ytd tricia's body was lik.. directly infront of miie.. i cant even stand properly n shoot lah. -.- nvmm. DUN HAV PIANO ON THURS !! hehe. which means i'll hav normall netball training. shimin said tt coach iz coming on thurs instead of fri..
i saw marcus in sch. he went dere to plae soccer match wit kranji i think.. N, yt sae he look lik WYB. omg. WYB !! but i tot she was saying e no 13 scss tt look lik wy..
board lrt wit shimin. so wth sia.. THOSE guys frm 2c.. irritating.. -.- i had to miss 2 trains.. coz of SHIMIN !! n them.. -.- when shimin got down.. some guys was lik.. err.. saying tt their fren lik miie just bcoz e seat bside me was empty n dey wanted him to sit dere? a bit diao lor. lol. dey even STALKED me man. for awhile.. -.- for e fun of it? i think dey were goin to e soccer/bball court dere.. yea. n i happen to pass by dere too. -.- ..
GUITAR. i still cant do f chord i think.. except e cheating way lah. lol. hav to bring guitar.. ahh. n soft toy ? for hom ? LOl.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
THURSDAYMDM LIN DIDNT COME. but we were oni free for 2 periods coz ms loh knew tt we dun hav art, so tok e chance to teach us so she can gv hmwk. -.- tok bout some useless stuffs n played e number guessing game. ms tang change some of our seats. mainly coz of e boys lah.. n now.. WTs NOT BSIDE ME ! lol. cant tok to her le. coz hav tt xuan yu. netball. self-training again. was quite slack for tt dae.. went home at 5 when dey wanted to plae captains ball. sad sia. missed e chance of playing cap's ball. lol. piano. wth. i prac until vv gd le but go dere whole head blank. kept stopping.. sian. everytime vv tired de lor. owaes rush frm netball to hm, still hav to walk vv fast to e music sch. -.- n i think sight reading is vv LOUSY. yep.
YESTERDAYGROOMING CHECK during recess. I WORE TT DAMN LONG SOCKS WHICH EITHER KEPT GOING UNDER MAII FEET OR KEPT UNFOLDING. n during netball i hav to adjust e socks lik SO DAMN LOT OF TIMES CAN ! sian. we'r gona hav grooming check again on mon too. -.- si got back both maii chi test. err.. i failed one of it. COZ I DIDNT STUDY. -.- e other test was ok.. but im still not pleased wit e marks.. assembly.. we had some talks.. went back to classroom for hmt. self-study period for us. coz ms tok had to teach e sec 3 hmt pupils. yea.. did e test..n when for netball afterwards. ms yeo did come for training. yea.. ITS WAS VVVVVVVVVV TIRING. TTS WAD I CAN SAE. but i think we did more tiring things last year when she juz came. -.- EVERY LESSON DO SPRINTING. siao rite. anw. tues trainin we ran 2.4km. I GOT 12.58mins !! i think so. mellisa told me tt it i ran 9.58mins which was completely imposible for me. n i noe it. hahas. its e fastest speed i've ever ran lor. coz of se lah. keep pressurizing me. run so fast for wad sia. err. back to topic again. we did e normal thing lah.. ball work.. n some new drills. yeap. court game was fun. to me. lol. i everytime defend tt small built sec 1 lor. lol. i vv diff to see leh. so small. NO OFFENCE !! i didnt mean to insult her. lol. sprinting sets after match. err. yuting n ginny run until so.. fast ? to dem mayb not fast bah. hahas.
TODAY !WOKE UP EARLY IN E MORNING. juz to go for tt ROADRUN.. wth ? y muz e roadrun b on sat. i wan slp de u noe. -.- n Y MUST WE HAV ROADRUN LAH! hav sport meet can le wad. hav this event for wad lor. anw. e c dic boys.. jia shun ran first n ansong was second ? i didnt noe jia shun hav staminal.. lol. sian. when e roadrun thingy started.. i was lik. wth lor. everybody RUN LIK SIAO. i couldnt squeeze to e front where e netbiies were running. -.- n so.. i was left bhind. alone. with all those sec one ppl. -.- i continued running until i was below e mrt track.. walkwalk runrun. hmm. anw. we were stopped ate sch gate coz e guys were coming out. -.- WASTE OUR TIME. -.- didnt really chiong-ed after i was in e sch. legs vv tired leh. lol. thou i can still breathe. LOL. wahseh. when i stop at e sticker point hor. felt lik PUKING. mayb i stopped too fast. lol. didnt get any positions !! ahh ! staminal no gd wad..
hmm. i shared some 'dunoe-wad' food[i dunoe e name..] at e malay stall wit yt. tt bread thingy was nice lah. hahas. lined up at our own houses when we finished eating.. went up e hall for some performance by chong cheng main's CO. yep. i n saw one of maii classmate from jiang lao shi tuition centre... tt di zi solo-ist. hmm. i was in e same class as him during pri ? i think so.. rmb tt he sat bside miie or smth. yeap. 3 ppl solo sia. pro ! lol. n tt mdm yong hor.. e show ended le still call dem to ENCORE one song.. -.- its lik.. those ppl sit dere plae for so long le still wan dem repeat song. wth. even if e song vv nice oso cannot wad ! MUST B CONSIDERATE LOR. lol. i noe its lame but.. so wth lor.. is she thick-skinned? [no offence. but im just saying maii views.] she ask ppl whether can encore.. somemore usin e MIC, even if tt teacher dun wan he oso cannot do anyth wad. RITE ? -.- when e performance ended.. we went downstairs to watch ppl plae CAPTAIN'S BALL. wahseh. got one boys grp damn pro lor. n deres n guy whus SHOOTING SKIILS are damn CHIO. lik wad yt had said.. hmm. of coz lah. he bball one leh. lol. mayb hes a shooter? shld b. hahas. n while we watch e game.. DERE WAS SOME ANNOUNCEMENTS. tt said all sec2/3 hmt pupils muz go up to e ava rm.. -.- WTH SIA ! n we, e 6 rebellions BEING SO GUAI went up. its was e xiang sheng prog! i was leaning against e wall when e chen ms tan talked.. N E OTHER REBELLIONS ESCAPED WITHOUT ME N YT. -.- we stand dere lik so wth lor. kena forced to go in. n yt was sulking all e way in e ava rm. lol. DUH. we wasted our time inside when we could hav done smth else. -.- when e sec1s came in.. me n yt rmbed tt our wallets are at wanyings bag. so we told mrslim.. n went to find dem. findfindfind. find until siao. found dem at e captains ball dere. -.- we didnt see dem dere when we came down lor. where dey go sia. haiyyo. err. after finding dem we ate lunch together in sch.. e same chi stall..
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
wadthehell. thank god, i took e bus. LOl. maii hse iz at e right place yeah? if cannot tak lrt can tak bus. LOl. all thanks to maii BELOVED PARENTS who chose this place. lol. reached hm faster than usual. =]=]
e xx so.. -.- sae i spoilsport. yalah. i spoilsport, tak bus oso cannot meh. lolol. played daiti wit dem.. se dey all lah. plae plae plae. everytime plae daiti. i juz learn how to plae oni lor.. den u all ask yt dun team wit miie. COZ OF TT DAMN REASON !! dey did some forfeit which was so lame. -.- DIS KINDA PPL !! ALL BAD DE. lol. u all beta rmb dis. BETRAYERS ! EVEN MAII LAOPO BETRAYED ME ! AHHH ! e SE ANH SAE TO SOKMENG LOR. den e sokmeng n amanda down dere shouting n shouting. -.- nvm. i'll stop dis betraying thing n continue..
me n se played speed after yt dey all left for their ccas..it was a draw. thou i look lik i lost mani times. I DID WIN OK .. lol. i actually tot it was stress man. but i think i played speed b4..juz tt i didnt rmb.. n e guy played blackjack or smth.. hmm.
guitar. revised our wake me up when september ends.. n tt she'll b coming round e moutain.. but wake me up when september ends is still beta. =]=] ernest is gona teach us TIAN SHI u noe !!! NICENICE. jonathan played accompaniment while ernest sang n played.. but tian shi hav f chord. diff sia. whole finger put on e fret. -.- n our zen me ban hav f chord. i dunoe how are we gona learn.. haiix..
Monday, March 19, 2007
SUNDAYwent for maii jiang lao shi tuition.. wrote some damn GONGHAN within 15mins. diao. hand gona break ! hmm. after tuition went to lavandere dere de cc.. to see maii bro's chess comp.. blahblahblah.. went marina south to fly kite. -.-'' half e time i was staying in e car. listen to radio. lol. sian wad. fly kite. maii younger bro lah. kept pestering maii parents to go dere. haiiyo. n maii dad did some lame things. lol. some uncle gv e kite to maii father coz he's going off.. n mai father kept finding strings to join to e original string.. n after THOUSAND YEARS e kite was THOUSAND MILES away frm us. yea.. but lik vv cool rite ! e string iz damn long de lor. n it even touched e sea water. coz of e sagging n stuffs.. oh. n when we were goin off. he tied e string to e railings. im sure it wont last two daes.. yep. i took a pic. but im sure u cant see e kite.. sian. when i reached hm.. its already 9+.. watched tt ren ci charity show.. its was really interesting or wad lah. sorta pity tt monk.. SO KE LIAN LOR. he needed to actually climb up a 23 storey building wit all tt jumping.. somemore hes a MONK. which means tt its a challenging thing to do tt kinda stuff.. anw he overshot e timing. he shldnt lik make himself complete e whole thing in less than 30mins or so when he noe he couldnt make it. hmm. mayb its a kind of trick or smth to make ppl donate more? lol. but i still donated ! =]=] im not heartless ok. we live a more fortunate life than others. yea.. shld appreaciate rite ! lol.
TODAYSTOMACH PAIN. -.- yesterdae night until tdae. wth. haiiyo. TMR HAV HISTORY CT !!! n tt mr yeo onli told us tdae, which chap wer'r gona b tested on. n e format ?? he nv sae. -.- err. zuo lao shi didnt come.. so we had free period for chi.. e 6 rebellions played 007 n e number game.. 007 was LAME. e number game was beta. yeah.. physics. didnt really understand wad mr ong had taught.. sian. after sch was dragged by WT N CO. to plae daiti. -.- i was suppose to go hm wit wy bird. N I SENSED SMTH OREADI. DURING PHYSICS. after last period.. yt was snatching maii wallet frm miie.. -.-'' knew tt u all must hav smth in mind LOR. everytime so mean.. HAV EVIL PLANNINGS 1 LOR.. dunoe for wad sia. N ERNIE LAOPO DIRTIED E STRAP OF MAII BAG !! with her fruit juice. -.- so ER XIN lor. orange one leh. n it look s lik vomit. but her bag oso kena. lol. toobad. lol. she so toot lor. where got ppl put e drinks[those kinda take away ones..] on e table. not lik waiyu ah. so clever. lol. se hor.. still go n put her cards on e table lor. ON TT JUICE. e whole pile of cards was wet coz of her. lol. miie n yt teamed up.. n WON E GAME. one time oni? lol. i forgot. went old chang kee wit waiyu after e game. hmm.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
HANA-KIMI !! nxt week last eps le. anws. i'v already finished e whole thing..lik a week ago ? lol. e ending is a bit lame lah. lol. n e photo taking thingy juz now.. I SAW YT'S 'FBF' WIT EYE LINER/ MAKE UPS ! SO DISGUSTING LOR. n it looks lik panda eyes. lol.
I FINISHED MAII SUMMARY !! yeahyeah ! so wth sia. too mani words le. n i was editting it. e whole ques was filled wit correction tape. -.- still left wit.. art, eng compo, chuang yi xiao shuo.. n lit? think so.. art. i dun hav clothes tag. -.- i dun even noe y we hv to do tt for art lah.. waste of money sia. nid buy new clothes leh. mayb we can use logos instead? hmm. compo.. gona faint man. yt's class do oreadi. dey handed in during e last week of sch. haix. wads e point of sperating in2 diff grp for eng class man. we'r still doin e same thing. N ITS SO UNLUCKY to get into tt class. wit teacher or without teacher we r still e same. oral preparation wasnt of much help compared to other classes. n i screwed it up lah. i kept grabbing e desk. nervous can ! im owaes lik tt when it come to oral. lol. n exams of coz. n i got to noe tt e classes frm 2d-f, ms rajoos class, chnged their teacher. n ours remained e same. -.- it isnt fair. TO US ! lol. i noe some ppl enjoy being in ms rajoos class lah. coz we need not hand in our work on time. lol. unless its vv urgent lah. its an advantage. but we cant learn anyth frm her.. n we'll flunk our eng for eoy. i dun wan tt to happen to miie ok. haiix. chuang yi xiao shuo.. i no inspirations leh. lOl. sian.
now parents n younger bro not at hm.. dey went to maii cousins bdae party.. i didnt go. coz its a waste of time. LOl. lata maii cousins all STICK to miie arh. tts wad happen wheneva i go. -.- its a bit childish lah. lol. SIAN de lor.
i realised tt maii post on 9 march was err. destroyed. e whole post was shortened to lik dunoe how much lah ! coz of maii >.< .. its a damn long post i rmbed. n now its lik so short lah.. e other dae. maii post was oso ruined. but i edit it back. yea. n chnged e >.< to -.- .. its so troublesome can ! haiiyo. its maii trademark lor. lol. trademark. yt teach de. lol.
finished practicing piano already. =] i missed tt mozart thingy yesterdae. i didnt go for e enrichment weeks prog. not a single one. hmm. since nobody accompany miie dere.. n i dunoe where tt woodlands civic centre. yep.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
juz now went to alba n ser ern's hse.. wth lor. wwt sae wad wan go wan fen's hse.. DIAO!! if wan go alba's hse sae lah.. -.- no nid lik trick miie dere de ok.. wwt n alba so damn funny lor. LOl. when dey walking oso muz hav a distance de..dey vv shy lor. LOl. err.. anw we go his hse oso nv do anyth de lor. some sorta waste time ? LOl. no. we watch FISHES SWIMMING. LOL tt was wad yt said. lol. after million years.. his mum asked us whether we wana watch movie anot. so.. we watch lor. lol. NIGHT AT E MUSEUM. nice show. some parts quite funny. lol. tt larry toking to some han[or smth..] ppl. hahas ! n u noe wad ? tt stm/w called in e middle of e show for nth. -.- its so lame. lol. I DID ESCAPE FRM UR THOUSAND FLICKS OF PAIN, YEA. i didnt really escape lah. lol. we went to ernie lao po's hse when we finish watching e movie. yep.. we somehow tricked yt tt we nid to alight at e second stop. lol. but it quite obvious tt we'r faking it. lol. played bball. THOSE wicked ppl[se,yt,wt] TRIED TO PREVENT MIIE FRM TAKING E BALL. -.- lame de lor. 3 against one leh. some more tt wyt lik no use de lor. LOL. she kept hitting e ball away which iz sooo toot. LOL. TOOT. nxt time shld call u tt ! hahas ! went back to se's hse when e started rainin again.. hmm. we were watching some show[xi ling men??] while playing tai ti. LOl. didnt noe how to play.. wt n se kept winning.. BUT I DID WIIN 1 GAME U NOE !! at least i did.. compared to wyt im still beta. HEHE. lol. ate noodles after e game ! lol. its tasty. but maii lunch's noodles still taste beta. LOL. JK lah. hahas. maii bowl hav eggs leh. so special lor. LOl. actually se's mum no nid attend to us de lah. lik we vv ma fan liddat.. paiseh u noe. lol. MAII LAO POS MOTHER LEH ! SO GD RITE ! LOLOL !!
hope i wont die tmr coz i cant watch tv n hav internet access ! OMG..
end here bye.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
WOW. THE RAIN IZ SO DAMN HEAVY CAN !! LIGHTNINGS KEEP FLASHING ~~ SO SCARY. lol. ONI SOMETIMES SCARED BAH. HAHAS. NETBALL TRAINING. quite tired lah.. for dis kinda weak netball player.. lol. not really.. but im inconsistent. smtimes throw quite accurate smt not.. haiiyo.. tdae im so restless n all.. no strenght.. plaed court game.. i still dunoe where to run. how to run out. i got scolded for that. -.-
walked to interchange wit ada dey all n juniors.. I SAW SIOW HAN ON E WAY. N BENJAMIN?? I WAS LIK.. SEEING DEM FOR TWO TIMES OREADI?? in one dae lor. at diff places somemore. at first i saw dem outside e lrt station.. lol. actually i nv see de. coz i bcome a bit gong n all.. rushing to netball coz gona b late le. lol. thou i saw some wss ppl outside at e railings dere.. but i didnt noe iz dem. LOl. i heard some ppl calling maii name while searching for e ez-link card. i turned bhind but see no ppl dere. lOl. but he still came to sae hi n all lah. hahas. den at e 'shelter' near lot1.. i was lik.. HUH. did i see wrongly? lol. coz he wear outside clothes mah. i was surprise u noe. so wth lor. dey all everydae liddat de izit. -.- OH. PRI SCH DAES.. I CAN STILL RMB DE LOR. PRI-SCHLERS R SO CAREFREE ~~ hahas..
rode on e lrt wit amanda n shimin.. N I SAW THOSE BUNCH OF PPL. -.- xx so wth lor. wad pregnant woman sia. -.- muz threaten him. KIMBERLY !! lol. dey r quite lame actually.. sian.. n btw, WE DUN HAV NETBALL FOR E WHOLE WEEK !! HEHE. BUT I HAV TONS OF HMWK. WTH LOR. E TEACHERS PURPOSELY GV EXCUSES TT WE R FREE DURING E HOLS SO CAN GV MORE HMWK DE LOR. wth. HMWK.. DIAO. N TMR. mayb going out wit yt n wt? but ser ern n wanying muz oso go !! lol. N SE IZ MAII LAO PO LEH. MUZ ACCOMPANY MIIE DE WAD. LOLOL.
anw. HAPPY HOLS !!
but i noe it wont b happy.lol. wit all e hmwks. so bored can..
n somemore thurs hav maintainience.. no internet access frm 9am-6pm.. can die de lor !!
lol. SIAN LAH ~~
stop now. BYE.
Monday, March 12, 2007
wahseh. juz now 2 ppl ask miie for directions in e lrt sia. >.< do i look as if im vv pro in those kinda thingy ? lol. but i still hlped. for e second case i really dunoe where tt auntie wan to go lor. she sae tt place start wit sejg.. ??? i actually tot tt its segar but i wasnt sure.. n i didnt even noe dere was ani pasar malam at senja or segar. LOl. aiyya. i couldnt hlp aniway.. coz i alighted at fajar. lol. yep..
ENG ORAL. DOTS. im uBeR nervous CAN !!i kept grabbing e thing under e desk. wadthe hell. i cant hlp it man ! im dying. i noe tt teacher quite lenient lah. but im still scared. no confidence.. ahh ! last time i almost failed oral.. by one mark. scared i fail again.. coz i didnt really tok. haix.. anw. i realise tt e eng rite.. i did get b before.. during sec one's term n n 2... LOL. but i oni rmbed getting c5 for eng for eoy. lol. e oral conversation.. dots lah. im hopeless kind. LOl.
went lot 1 after oral.. E REBELLIONS
TOILET. LOL. YEAH. tok our reflections. finally we tok pics. LOl. tricia ! faster come on9 ! i wan e pics ! LOl. maths ip coaching was lik less den an hr ? call us go ip coaching for wad sia. n anw.. we r goin to hav lit ip coaching when sch reopens. hehe.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
wahseh. i got to noe tt e water pipe broke. accident yea ? >.<>MEET THE PARENTS SESSION.
>.<>.<>.<>.<>.<>.< lessons="HAVING">.<>.< we were oni given 25 mins to do e whole paper. CAN U IMAGINE IT? 25 MINS !! FOR 3 QUES. one 5MRK, one 7 mrk one 4 mrk. WTH?!?! I ONI DID 2 QUES. FIRST N E LAST. I THINK EVERYBODY DIDNT FINISH E PAPER. EVEN WYT DIDNT. GONE CASE. SAE BYE BYE TO PASSING LE. WE DUN EVEN HAV ENOUGH TIME LAH. NOT EVEN ONE PERIOD. DOTS LOR.
netball. training was cancelled. coz of meet-the-parents.. yea.. we plaed basketball with netball ! lol. shot n shot. lol. so fun. =]=]
hahas. BYE !!
Friday, March 09, 2007
wah lao eh. i vv wadthe lor. learn 1 song 1 mth..dunoe wad i doing sia. every week last min prac de. HAIIX. den e theory i dun wan tak le. if lata part of e year not so busy mayb tak individual bah. coz e teacher sae dis theory grp all iz around maii age de.. if i dun go den all iz small kids de. >.< but now i feel lik takin again. I JUZ CANT MAKE UP MAII MIND. arhh !! lata i scared no time prac piano do their hmwk will waste parents money. n somemore netball 3 daes a week. den i will bcome damn busy lah. unless i quit netball or e netball prac bcome two daes lor. i noe its impossible.. haiix. i owaes come home no time de lor. do hmwk etc... so i everydae vv late slp. HAIIX.HAIIX. i wan ask e teacher can half way quit e theory grp anot. lol. n u noe wad i saw juz now when i went to piano? TWO TEENAGERS AY BLK 416 SNIFFING GLUE. its glue. i actually thought tt dey r drinking milo. BUT. dey look so suspicious. i stared at one of e guy. n hes lik shock or smth? but i nv call police or wad lah. coz going late le. dis two person so NO BRAIN LOR. BRAINLESS i muz sae. sniff glue for wad? too much money to spend? get 'high' ? its dumb ok. imagine how dey can quit glue-sniffing when dey REALISE tt its bad. pathetic souls. surely iz being influence by friends de. no taste lor. make dis type of frens. lol. lata i kena influence by WYbird n goes CHIRPING to e rebellions tmr den i laugh arh. lol.
netaball. amanda fell down. so pain sia. i look le oso think its pain. lol. dis reminds miie of CE.. e teacher said bout her sis whu lik to slash her wrist. so >.<>.<>.< muz beware of bees nxt time. lata end up lik ada. lol.
eng lesson ms rajoo nv call miie do oral leh. LOL. n ms tang n mr ong didnt come. free lit period. was doin e wkst.. n i rmbed tt we SANG SONGS e other time. CHAO XI HUAN NI ! lol. so fun. tt time we keep singing. hehe. glass nv break leh. coz our voices are too SWEET. LOLOLOLOL. joking. hahas. for ce lesson.. ms rashida took over our class. coz both our mentors didnt come. yepp..
end here.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
MAII $5 !!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
WAD THE HELL LOR. U WONT GET UR $5 I TELL U. lol. he shldnt b cantonese. b coz everybody's surname iz translated frm dialect de wad.. its impossible. or dey dont noe tt dey shld b frm which dialect. ppl can see which dialect u r frm juz by judging frm ur surname lor. chinese n eng surname lah.. hmm. unless he folo mother's dialect or his father nv learn tt dialect den tot his tt dialect he learn de. lol. lik miie. i dunoe how to speak cantonese. oni understand hokien. lol. n i went to ask maii father n mother how to pronounce tt surname in their dialect le leh. so i cant b wrong. n yt dey all insisted tt i muz gv dem their money lor. >.<>.< she sae i read too softly wan mie reread sia. den i gang hao cough den. she sae tmr test miie since i not feeling well. WHAT A CLOSE SHAVE. lol. so she chose wt lor. hmm..
guitar. ernest taught us WAKE ME UP WHEN SEPTEMBER ENDS. e front part oni. yep. quite fun lah.. actually he sae wan teach qing tian de.. but no time so he didnt teach. I WAN CHAO XI HUAN NI !! se sae hav rap so we cant chose tt song unless smb learn e rap n rap for us. lol. but nobody wld wan to rap. yt can take over her future bf's role. lol. zem me ban so.. yt cannot sing tt high.. n mayb muz learn frm se dey all use fake voice den she can sing. LOl. but she sae cannot. lol. n tricia owaes sing damn fast lor. seriously fast. dunoe for wad sia. lol. she wan chase aeroplane. wy sae de. LOl.
I CANT SIGN IN TO MSN!! for dis com lah. e other com bro using.. can sign in lor !! wadthe. his staying in njc anw.. he actually can 'guo qiao' de lor. but he dun wan. lol. half of his class not staying leh. aiya. whu cares bout his class. lol.
STILL HAV COUGH !! ahh. dry cough. no phlegm for now.throat vv itchy lor.. can hv breathing difficulties? LOL.
netball nid run 2.4km. stomach sorta hurts when i run.. either im too full or stamina drop bah.. hmm..did all e same drills.. we did sprinting for cool down.. so wadthe lor. i lik runnin vv slowly? all e juniors faster den miie. discgracing huh. or mayb i didnt hav proper foot wear wit tt mood to run.. >.< !%@#$!*&)%#(^$">!%@#$!*&)%#(^$ at maii ears lah. vv LOUDLY. n e thing iz i dun even noe tt person. HES TRYING TO B FUNNY CAN ! N I DUN THINK ITS FUNNY. ITS A CRAZY ACT TO DO SMTH LIK TT IN A PUBLIC PLACE DUDE. HELLO~~~ iz he mischievious or wad. nxt time muz bware of ppl wearing BLUE uni. n shimin even tot i knew tt person. >.<
maii bags wet anw. coz of e rain.. shared maii umbrella wit 1 of e juniors. but oni for awhile lah.coz i scared lata maii umbrella overturn lik wen ji's 1. LOL.
GUITAR TMR! I WAN CHNG SOMG LAH ! CHAO XI HUAN NI !!! yt will sae : AI DAO ! lol. CHNG LAH. dey wan sem me ban. haiiyo. dunoe how to tune maii guitar seh. turn here turn dere oso not correct. haiix.
SIAN lah. nid bring guitar. HEAVY lor.
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Monday, March 05, 2007
so wth sia. downstair doing lift !!! n mai hse's floor iz vibrating lik hell can. diao.
N' maii fever had recovered !! HEHE. =]=] sorethroat too. or else i wont b able to speak todae. LOl. but still hav cough. AH! kept coughin. so wadthe.. phlegm stuck in maii throat. irritating sia. coughin n coughin non stop. tmr mayb hav hist test. but dey juz told us oni lor. wth. ask us 1dae read whole chap?? think we super arh. haiix.
maths CT.
hope i dun make careless mistakes again !
Sunday, March 04, 2007
went to see e doctor juz now. i so xin ku lor. yesterdae night cannot slp properly.. still shiver sia. pathetic lor. n maii temperature was 39.2 at night. diao. i felt as if im dying u noe.. wth lah. i had tt damn cough. which makes maii throat bcome vv pain. n maii body iz so weak lah.when im walkin, i cant even balance properly lor. haiix..
anw.. maii bllk iz goin to hv LIFT !!! hehe. nxt time i no nid climb 4 storeys le ! so shiok. but i've been climbing e stairs for so many years liao.. i oso used to it le.. but i think it will take quite some time to build bah.. hmm. e noise of e machine vv noisy de. lol. i had to cover maii ears when i went down juz now..
lata maii aunt goin to come maii hse.. ginny called miie.. she asked whther i wan go coach's hse anot. but oni she n seniors go.. den i oso sick wad. so cannot go lor.. sian.
end here le. no mood to type..
Saturday, March 03, 2007
OMG CAN ! im down wit fever. 39.1 .. so cold sia. but maii body felt hot. i oso hv sore throat lor. i speak normaly oso can bcome cough de lor. yestersdae eat too much love letter[chun juan] le. plus e ser ern... i pei her eat e spicy kueh tiao frm e malay stall. diao. when i run tt time all e heat' frm e chilli lik go to maii whole body. dots.. i had a hard time drinking water. -.- its damn pain can ! can die de lor. somemore when i train wit juniors dey all, i was giddy. den lik wan to cry liddat. -.- anw. i borrowed e PE frm wanteng lor. coz of maii maid lah. e trainin tee haven dry den she gv miie. if i wear it den i will b SICK-ER le lor.. THANKS WANTENG ! u saved maii life. LOl. not really. i still had fever. lol. so it makes no diff actually.. oh n we played captain's ball ! i was e 'goal keeper'. i some sorta cheated bah. LOl. coz bhind hav space mah den i jump bhind so dey cannot defend. lol. ginney fell down too. she cracked her bone ? so cham. PAIN DE LOR. everybody did push ups. 20 for e draw grp n 30 for e grp tt lost. hmm. after doin e pumpings, miie n company went home...
E GUITAR !! we chose zhem me ban.. felt lik chnging. coz e chords muz change quickly. n we dis kinda de hor. will sure chng vv slowly. LOL. e yt was CRAZY about JIRO. ji rou. muscle, chicken meat. LOl. she wan e songs tt jiro apeared in those mvs. lol.
MAII WEEKENDS ARE RUIN. juz lik wad se said..
Thursday, March 01, 2007
YESTERDAYhad 4 test. diao sia. i flunked every1 of dem except for lit? wadthe lor.. chi i nv do lik 7-8 ques in front ?teacher sae can highlight e words ?? N I TOT CANNOT. dots lor. maths. 2 ques dunoe how to do.. bio. crossword nv write finish. i rmb everyth wrongly. diao ! lit at least i remmembered e ans for assignment 1 n 2. i nv complete maii last ques ! AHH !! im dying. someth went wrong. mayb i didnt hav time to study ? coz of mon's match??? when i finished eating its lik goin to b 9 or smth ? haiix. n e JUNIORS CAME !! i was wit WEN JI !! HEHE. we jogged two rounds around e sch.. maii stomach sort hav stitches or smth.. too long nv run le bah. did conditionings.. do ball pass. mine so fast sia ! LOl. coz she played netball b4. HEHE. TTS WHY. MAKE MAII WORK EASIER. LOl. its a compliment! junior see this ! lol ! n ser ern's junior tagged miie ! hehe. lol. she looks lik ql ? LOl. QL !!! WE WILL MISS U DE !! LOL. anw its quite fun having trainin wit juniors. except getting hit by some __ on e head. NO OFFENCE..
RUSHED MAII DNT HMWK. dots. i dunoe how to do lor. haiiyo.
TODAY !PE. I CLEARED MAII BROAD JUMP. hehe. 180+? pro rite. LOLOL. not lik yt. LOLOL. jk. den we had GUITAR. learned new chords again. n i noe how to hold guitar properly le ! not lik i dunoe how to hold lah. but maii finger kept touching e nxt string. but i noe le lah. ALL THANKS TO JONATHAN. LOLOL. eng.. no comment. PHYSICS WE HAD TEST.. n i noe some ques iz gone case de lor...
after we ate lunch, se n i went to try to open e locker. I CAN OPEN LEH. LOL. e other dae cannot. coz nv see e instruction properly.. n its lik we r dere for awhile oni. n tricia lik boosting bout her pro-ness lor. LOl. se tried for quite some time n UNLOCKED IT ! lol. duh. we r not idiots! lol. er.. se n i went to e library too. to find storybks ? LOl. we played MONOPOLY wit e ME ppl[yt dey all] too. lol. e game set vv wth lor. all e $$ so messy n dere oni 3 tokens.. e other 8 are GONE.. diao. we did our hmwks while waiting for e rain to stop. n deres some bunch of guys dere tokin bside us lor. lol.
miie n se sorta mao yu go bak hm.. clothes all wet sia. diao. E RESULT OF NOT BRINGING AN UMBRELLA. LOL.
stop here. BYE.